Thursday, August 22, 2013


Ok, well I just found out Madonna has gold grills on her teeth and I figured out I do not give a flying shit if she has Gold Grills or is even alive.. Not sure that makes me a bad person but really in end who cares? 

Is someone life so empty and undefined that they care about someone else teeth? Think about that a sec, you are not a dentist, you not a friend, related or anything to this person, and you say you care she has gold grills? That is sad!! Really you mean nothing at all to her, and do not give me that BS that you meet her one day or she said she cares for all her fans. Unless you talk to her daily or any of these people as often as you do friends, you are nothing to them at best you are an ant they can squish and never miss.

Only reason I even cared enough to find out what's up with her teeth is I was writing something and I figure I use something stupid like that as a gag line. So I saw it on AOL and figure I find out more details like what was up with her teeth and then I saw it and I thought who the fuck cares -_- but in end if I was not writing something and decided to use that as a gag line, I would of never cared enough to find out more. I would of just ignored it.

This reminded me of Cyndi Lauper: Still So Unusual (btw I have to google that) it was being advertise on TV almost in every commercial break, I finally gave in and wanted to know who the hell she was, really I did not know -_- BUT I found out she was a singer and sang a song I liked I was oh, that lady!!! I know her now… I thought she was dead… after that I still never watched the show. Mostly because I stopped watching TV and stood to watch things online where I can easily ignore any commercials and I pretty much do that.

It is not like I never EVER heard of these people, I knew Cyndi from her songs and Mononna is famous for singing so I heard of them, but their personal lives… I do not care.  For example, I love Will Smith I think he is a great actor, every role he does he does well and yes including Handcock he did it great. Not his fault editing and scripts are bad jobs are jobs. BUT I did not know he was even married none the less had a few kids till after I saw “The Pursuit of Happyness” then I found out he was married and did have kids, I was like wow that is nice, moving on…

Just in end of day these are just people who do a job, just because I like the job they do does not mean I care about their lives. You can say what you want, but I like some baker’s cookies, some cooks food and some people are great a customer service and I do not give a shit about their lives as well. Nor do you no reason to care about these famous people lives as well.  Do not get me wrong at all, I care about my friends lives all the time, I ask how they doing any fun news and I love the stories they tell. But these famous people… Ones I never meet and most likely never will. I really do not see why what they do is so important that it is consider NEWS, I remember when news use to be about something happening important not that Famous Bitch #1 dress looks better then Famous Bitch #2.

But then you may say something to me like, oh you have some famous people in your FB account, well I do, yes I do, but you see, I FUCKING TALK TO THEM!! More than just posting on their updates, I interact with them, talk to them on FB IM and so on, not daily, we all busy after all but as much as I do some friends.  So we are more than just fan and famous person I think so anyway, we may not be greatest friends on earth but I still care about their life some and besides in some cases I am not really a fan of theirs ;) I just added them and started talking to them and in one bad case I did not even know they was famous @@

Also you can say I do not care about current events and so on.. Which is partly true I do not care, but I do keep track of some more important things then did Justin Bieber take a shit today, did he? I do not care so do not tell me. But I prefer the more real news, about what really going on, wars, and are places fixed, government spending and lies. Not that Obama has a new dog, which I don’t fuckin’ care.

In end I do not suspect people to relate or even read this, I think maybe 5 people will read this if I am lucky, this is just a rant about how I see things and how sad I see us being as well to vent and practice so I do not go on a killing spree, so really, have fun and eat a cookie!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Moved away...

WELLLLLLL I have not posted in a few months sorry sorry all, well if anyone watches this I am sorry. 

Most reason I did not post is because well I been depress or lazy, you can decided which you prefer. I know I been depress for last few years and wanted to do a few things to change my life around in a great way, also I play to see a psychologists soon but that will not be for a few months.
But for now in the last few months much has changed I have moved from PA and now live in Cali, which is all thanks to a friend, but sadly I still seem to depend on others to have a roof and so on… But my plans are to find my own place soon; very very soon, I think moving out and being with a roommate or on my own will help a lot. I think over all roommate idea is best, I know a friend that is very nice and we have a lot in common, comics, movies, food, and so on.. So that would be great I am sure we will have issues at first but that is ok, always ok.

Besides that I am working on art, writing and my site, so once they are all done I will be updating this thing a lot more. My plans for updates is a whitecastle review, a DiGiorno Pizza, a few movie reviews, I saw a few movies, including IRONMAN 3. Besides those I also reading a book I like some I may review that, especially if site done and I join amazon affiliate program.. Got to earn me some money after all, tho I doubt that will bring in any money really but it’s worth a try.

As long as I do not get too depress I should be able to keep going. Once I get my own place I will be offline for a week maybe two but once I return I will post. I plan to keep the limit on how long I take off less now.  I hoping for the next update to be within 2 weeks, not sure what it will be but I leaning towards the Food ones, maybe one or both at once to hurry.

Also one day I was applying for a job and someone said I have nice handwriting O_o I was shocked and happy, some reason it made me feel good.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Lexviews: Chima and The Batman

Lego Legends of Chima

I just finished watching Chima around 30 minutes ago... I t took me some time to think about the show... But lets start at the beginning.

When I saw the commercials for this show, first thing I thought of was Lego Thundercats! After watching it... I still think Lego Thundercats with some changes... Really there tag line of beast like you never seen them before is really really wrong I seen this before, and done better the first show was not all that well done. It does not pull me in at all. Also it seems so much like Thundercats, and a few other shows put together. Also the legendary beast (which are big normal animals) only one appears for about a minute that is it, they could of done without the beast really, the parents are alive so this show.. is already predictable right off the table. This is one show I will not be watching again.

The first episode rushed and shoved so much at you it really did not go into great details on any single idea. Every time it was getting into details something would happen (alligator would attack) then it would go in that direction and then another attack it really was not that great. Really at one point I have no idea how a war started, I felt like that meme “That escalated quickly” really it did so much happen in what I think is a few days at most that happen in the world and really it looks like it took place in one day which makes it more confusing.

Either way the enemy, if you can call it that, is not that much of a threat they used that friendship hook but really he is as much threat as a cool breeze is to a forest fire. He is far from a threat and is easy fought several times in this one movie making him seem as feared as well a marshmallow.. Really this is not a threat and towards the end of the show it looks like his sister changed, odds are that will be forgotten when it starts over again. Really I would of not even shown the beast in the first show that could have been a big revealed at end of series but nooo.. They exposed one at the start making it not that big later on. Gotta love shows that want to sell products.


This show, I watched all 5 seasons a few weeks ago. I liked it MOSTLY... I like the ideas they put out and the designs of most the characters and the ideas they had of the bad guys. Even how Hugo Strange replaced Scarecrow that is 100% fine with me, Hugo is a good Batman villian smart and cunning but obsessive. The Joker I had mix feelings for he was good in some areas and other areas he was more like a joke, over all decent. Other villains, Mr Freeze, Catwoman, Poison Ivy and so on I did like. Bane was a bit crazy but really he was ok as well. Also Catwoman looked more like a bat then a cat but I was ok with that as well, at least she had a spine and was not one inch away from a super bowl half time show.

I loved, I repeat I LOVED Batgirl in this series, she was fun, and awesome. I really really wish they used her more and dove into her more. This series introduce her before robin which works well, once robin shows up it really is to many and they really work with robin more then batgirl which is sad. Only other thing I dislike is why was there no WONDER WOMAN in the JL? WHY? WHY!?! She is one of the key figures in the DCU and on top of that she is one of the trinity!!! WTF!!! She should have been in the JL, not like it would have been hard for them to add her, she would have been more fun to add then some others...

The Justice League really is a dog feast at end, all men and you can say the junior members count but not really.. just a bunch of men!! Really I understand Green Arrow, but they could of used her instead of hawkman, he was pretty much useless in the show. But I see why they used GA since his new show and all.. Also he is like batman I would of liked a animated show like batman using Green Arrow he is fun character and would have been nice to see Black Canary, Speedy, then Arsenal and Artemis

Mia Dearden would be a good side kick and it would show progression.. First used Roy then a few seasons he does the Young Justice thing and turn to red arrow then Arsenal and in between he trains Artemis and then Mai, which would be awesome series imo.. I pretty much thought of an outline that would work... -_-”

Anyway sorry to get off the series.. Really at end of Batman series, I liked it then the guest stars appear and drove away from the bat family. Which is sad since they had more stories to tell easily and more baddies. But I did like Superman and Batman did wear the Green Lantern ring which is awesome ^_^ which they would of dove more into it then just the few seconds he wore it wish it would of seen his WILLPOWER power that ring. Would of been fun to see. Also would of loved to seen more Superman/Batman team up. Over all I would love to see a trinity series of cartoons, DC does well in the animation and tv department. But in movies they are more miss then hit which is sad. They have something good and do not go with it and canceled it or just stop. But that is life.

Anyway as for which show to watch.. Watch The Batman that show is good specially the first 4 seasons. The 5th is good as well do not get me wrong but they pull away from Batman too much it may as well be called brave and the bold or so. Chima... Do not watch it, I liked Ninjago but this series is well kinda like Ninjago meets Thundercats and a few other shows mixed in. Chima is good if that is the only thing on in hell but when you have choices, use them. For me I will read a book :)

As also this is just mu opinions on the shows I am no expert nor do I claim to be one. I just like to say what I feel and how I feel, nothing more or less. I have been into comics since 1989 I read them and collected them since and lost many over the years.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New Year update

Well hello all!!! How I miss talking (YES I KNOW I DO NOT DO IT ALOT)

I digress, the number one question on everyone mind is “What did I get for Xmas?” Well, I am well over kiddie age for xmas, it far from has same appeal as it does for kids and younger folks. For me most it's another day and the young ones get to get gifts for being young, so me being well over the age of kids I do not suspect anything and that is pretty much what I got. I did get some cloths but really that is far from what I wanted... Books, Comics and so on I want not cloths picked by people that have no idea what I like. But it was nice anyway :)

My NEW brand spanking new job will be Web Designing and update of the web site :) WHICH I WOV!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol :) Finally a job I like and will be more then happy to do! I am looking for a new place to live but I get to be picky for once which I like.

So more good news as days go on, I am working daily on my stories both the Necromancer Girl and Emerald Reaper comics are coming along, also working on some writing I thought of a great story that I can turn to a Table Top Module with full stories and character types and classes. Which I can more then expand on easy. I came up with it as I watched The Spoony Experiment, which I would recommend if you have yet to watch it. I will post a few of my favorite videos at end of this blog.

I do have some review ideas to talk about I am hoping to expand on it as I think it over and type, the biggest issue with the reviews I seem to have is I see them better as videos and I far from have the space and camera for that atm.. but I will have the space soon just not the came but I could do a voice review like Zero Punctuation it is an idea, I may explore actually, we will see in a few weeks still the first few I know will be text reviews as I did on the other site I have to fix a few things and read others text reviews to get a better feel for it, so if you have a few link them I do just like to read em anyway ^_^

But over all I just want to voice some opinions and just say stuff! Specially if others have not pointed it out or did not go into it as much. I may also do some suggestions after some time, after all I need to get the audience first to make the suggestions and I know there are tons of other reviewers out there but that is ok :) one more will not hurt at all.

Well enough of that fun for now... I will make more blogs in time :)

Some good Spoony Vids
Counter Monkey These videos are just fun really very fun :) good learning and all around good time. Makes me want to do table tops again and gave me soooo many ideas for what to do and be a better table topper.

Ultima Reviews A fan a beloved fan gets betrayed and you get to see the end result of it all, to bad if I could redo the Ultima 8 and 9 I would of ended better.

Ever wonder why Yor is the man... Watch this =D After all he never seen the sun and some how he got a great golden tan.